Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well, I'm back.

Hm, I probably wouldn't have ever come back to this blog if it wasn't for WoWWiki linking to it ( ). I'm actually quite surprised. I had no idea The Legend of Stalvan did that well to be considered an accurate account of the Stalvan quest chain. Don't get me wrong, the movie had many flaws, but I am very happy about this. I dunno, maybe it's the fact that I've been given some recognition for doing something right. I don't get that a lot, so, it feels pretty good..

Anyway, I've been out of it for quite some time, and for that, I apologize. I'm just very... lazy. I do things at the last minute, or I don't really do them at all, and since I have no real push to make Machinima, I just procrastinate and say I'll do it later. It's a very bad habit that I wish to break, because if I do, I have some great Machinima planned. Perhaps I've planned to much and I'll let people down. If that does indeed happen, that I apologize wholeheartedly. I really do enjoy the fact that I have fans that love my movies. It makes me feel accomplished to know that someone is watching my movies, and having some sort of reaction.

However, for people who are unaware that I've made movies besides The Legend of Stalvan, here are a few:

Manor Mistmantle was a failed project. It had some cool effects and shots, but it fell short on everything else. The story was ill explained, and the main character did things that just did not make any sense. Also, the voice acting was sub-par. Apparently, I sounded like Keanu Reeves.

Elves was a movie that I just had to get off my chest. The idea was constantly on my mind, so I made it just to get the picture of nearly nude elves out of my head. And thus, Elves was/were born. Despite the many anti-gay comments of people who obviously missed the point, I think the movie did well.

A Cry for Player Housing, an oldie but goodie. I made this randomly one day when I walked into a house in Ironforge to find two people cybering on the bed. I quickly began to tell everyone in Vent, and someone said I should turn it into a movie. So, I did.

Video Log 1 shows to of my old works in progress, The Messenger & Vengeance, which will most likely be scrapped and remade. I suggest skipping to 2:22 to start watching the two movies so you can avoid listening to my pointless ramble. - I would love to keep The Messenger, but due to a bad render and a dead computer, it's not looking up. I'll just remake it. Won't be to difficult... if I ever get around to it.

As you can see, I like making Machinima. I don't know why, but to me, it's awesome. I guess I just enjoy full control. However, Machinima isn't the only medium of film I have worked on. Here are a few live action films I have made:

Can't Get It Right was my first live action film, and it was for my Boardcast I class in school. Our assignment was to make a music video, and I decided to go with an idea that was more serious and true to the small downsides of life, rather then the random silly music videos people made. I'm really proud of this video simply because I did everything in this video aside from the music. I wrote the script, I made the storyboard, I filmed, I acted, I edited; everything was done by me. I worked alone. I'm a control freak sometimes, but damn am I proud of it when it came to this video.

-- was made while I was in Italy. I was with a student ambassador group, and on our last two nights of the trip that took us throughout Europe, we stayed in a hotel that was far worse then a hostel. Now, this video was shot on a whim. I didn't plan any of it really, all but the end. And, the end is very cheesy and lame. I'll admit that. But, I love the video anyway. I find it hilarious just because everything actually happened, and I was apart of it. But, yeah. I hope you enjoy it, but if you don't, it's cool. (Side note. I named it -- because I couldn't think of a name.)

A Day at the Beach was actually made last night. I was in Florida for a week, and on our last day, I decided to pull out my digital camera and film. I was actually pretty stupid at some points simply because I was standing out in a thunder storm with an umbrella so I could get the shots I wanted and so the camera wouldn't get wet. Yeah, I'm a dumb ass, but, it was worth it. I'm happy with what I did with the footage I had.

Anyway, those are all of my movies that I think should have introductions for. I just really enjoy them, and I hope whomever reads this blog does as well.

I want to start talking about my plans for future movies, but I think I've made this post long enough, so I'll end it here for now. Maybe I'll make another blog post in a couple of minutes, hours, or days. I dunno. We'll see.

SiletThePriest AKA Silet AKA Oeree AKA SyborgOp AKA Woody AKA Taylor.

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